Snow White Indian Hawthorn Live Evergreen Shrub
Product Details
Evergreen Foliage: Its evergreen nature means that the shrub remains vibrant and green throughout the year, offering consistent aesthetic appeal irrespective of the season. With its naturally rounded and compact growth habit, it's ideal for smaller gardens, borders, or even container gardening. Beautiful Aesthetics: Snow White Indian Hawthorn boasts attractive, glossy green leaves that serve as a perfect backdrop for its abundant pure white flowers. These flowers bloom in spring and can add a touch of elegance to any garden or landscape.Perfect for hedges, foundation plantings, and even standalone specimen plants. Full sun to partial shade. Providing at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day will help the plant produce abundant flowers and maintain a compact, dense growth habit. It can tolerate partial shade, but too much shade can lead to leggy growth and fewer flowers. While this shrub is relatively adaptable, it prefers well-draining soil. Ensure that the planting location doesn't retain water for extended periods, as standing water can lead to root rot. USDA Zones: The Snow White Indian Hawthorn is generally hardy in USDA zones 7-10. This means it can tolerate winter temperatures down to as low as 0°F to 10°F in Zone 7, depending on specific conditions and protection measures.